EPFO Assistant Result 2019 declared: Direct link to download phase-1 result
Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has declared the EPFO Assistant Result 2019 . The results are for the EPFO Assistant Phase-I (Prelims) exam that was conducted for recruitment to the post of Assistants (Assistants Section Officer). EPFO has released a merit list of candidates who will now have to appear in the Phase-II Examination. Candidates who appeared in the exam can check their results on epfindia.gov.in. Direct link to download EPFO Assistant Result 2019 pdf A total of 3,049 candidates have made it to the list. Candidates can click on the above link to check if their names are present on the list. Steps to download EPFO Assistant phase-I Result 2019 Step 1: Go to EPFO official website epfindia.gov.in Step 2: Go to Miscellaneous tab in the top panel and click on recruitments Step 3: Click on the pdf link provided next to the subject - "List of candidates Short Listed for the Phase-II Examination for recruitment to the post of Assistants(A...