
Showing posts with the label LEGOS

Apple shuns the tech industry's apology tour

It has always been one of the more high-minded of the big tech companies     Technology News : Sorry, Apple’s not sorry. There has been a theme at the tech industry’s big conferences this year:   Facebook   and other tech giants keep telling us that they’ve learned from their mistakes and are going to be a lot more thoughtful about the far-out stuff they plan on doing in the future. Apple   has been cool to this narrative, and it was striking how the company’s executives danced around the tech backlash story line from the stage on Monday at its annual conference for developers. Though   Apple   acknowledged the darker side of society’s obsession with the digital world, it didn’t go anywhere near the idea that its own   technology   might bear any of the blame. Apple   did announce several new ways of letting adults and children limit how much time they spend on their phones. A tool called Screen Time, for exam...