Draft CSAT paper in Hindi, then translate it to English: RSS to UPSC
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh wants the Union
Public Service Commission
(UPSC) to draft the question papers for the civil services
examination in Hindi, and then translate them into other regional
languages and English.
RSS-linked Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas (SSUN) committee is of the
view that when the question paper is set in English and translated
into vernacular languages, the essence of the question is lost in
translation. This puts students taking the exam in Hindi and other
languages at a disadvantage.The SSUN has made the suggestion to the Modi government, reported The Print.
Devendra Singh, head of the SSUN’s competitive exams reform committee said that almost 50 per cent of the words lose their meaning in translation. He cites the examples of words such as “population”, which is generally “jansankhya” in Hindi but was translated as “samashti” in one question paper. “Data”, which should be “data” in Hindi as well, was translated to “dutt”, he added.
“If a question is in English and it is translated into Hindi and other languages, there is an increased chance of error in the questions,” Singh said. “Almost 50 per cent of the words that are translated from English to Hindi are wrong because they are either loosely translated or are extremely difficult words.” Read More
Source -> Business
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