
Showing posts with the label SESAME OIL

Protect your scalp from getting itchy, dry

Winter brings dry and itchy scalp, but incorporating few things like increasing your probiotics intake and minimising hair wash can do wonders. Gaurang Krishna, Specialist Hair Transplant Surgeon and Consultant Dermatologist, Director at MedLinks, suggests: * Minimise stress level: Stress impacts various aspects of our health and well-being. While stress doesn't directly cause an itchy scalp , it can aggravate the symptoms. * Wash your hair less often: Excessive use of shampoo can strip your hair of lucrative moisture and leave it even dryer. Washing your hair less often will help regain your hair's lustre. Incorporate a mild, pH balanced, sulphate-free shampoo with a hydrating conditioner in your hair care routine. Oiling the scalp an hour before your head wash will also soothe your scalp. * Increase your probiotics and water intake: Probiotics enhance the immune system, which in turn helps the body fight fungal infections that contribute to dandruff or dry

This New Year, make the right skin care choices for you and your baby

It is the beginning of another year and the time when most of us make a resolution that we would like to achieve for both physical and emotional well-being. As a mother, it is natural to want the best for your little one. There is nothing more important than ensuring overall wellness for both you and your little one. This New Year, celebrate motherhood with a few simple tips thatll help you adopt a safe and gentle skin care regimen . Say yes to products with botanical ingredients It is time to go in for products with botanical ingredients. Products infused with the goodness of herbs remain the best and safest option for you and your little ones' skin, especially during the initial months of childbirth and post-pregnancy. Moms can opt for products with the goodness of aloe vera, country mallow, winter cherry, khus grass, Indian madder, sesame, almond, coconut and the like that can help cleanse yet maintain soft and supple skin. Moisturisation is key Regardless